Royal Oil Primus GF-5 Plus

#Royal_Oil Primus GF-5 Plus
Fully Synthetic Fuel Efficient Engine Oil
🔶️Description and Properties
Royal Oil Primus GF-5 Plus SAE 0W-20 has been specially devolped for the most modern generation of downsizing engines.
🔶️The special combination of base oils and additives helps to significantly reduce the so-called LSPI (low speed pre-ignition).
With the LSPI, the gasoline-air mixture ignites spontaneously in the combustion chamber before the ignition spark occurs.
This can lead to engine knocking and serious engine damage.
Pollution inside the engine plays
a role as well as poor fuel quality.
Due to the LSPI problem, this combination of base oil and additives has been developed and is prescribed by Opel and General Motors for certain models.
🔶️Royal Oil Primus GF-5 Plus SAE 0W-20 is the suitable engine oil and meets the new and tightened General Motors Specification Dexos 1 Generation 2.
The product has been developed exclusively for gasoline engines and is not suitable for diesel engines.
زيت محرك موفر للوقود اصطناعي بالكامل
الوصف والخصائص
تم تطوير Royal Oil Primus GF-5 Plus SAE 0W-20 خصيصًا لأحدث جيل من محركات تقليص الحجم.
الزيوت الألمانية 🇩🇪 من Royal oil 🛢🏅
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